
Author Vision '06 stolen!

I got an sms last night from my girlfriend. My MTB, my Author Vision '06, has been stolen from in front of our building in Turku while I've been on the ship. It was locked with both an, albeit somewhat flimsy, Basta wire lock and a Kryptonite U-lock. Dammit, why can't people just respect the property of others?

Besides from what's obvious from the pictures, it's a 19" frame, there was a Sigma Cuberider mount on the saddle post, a damaged Sigma Evo+EvoX T-bone on the stem and some damage to the gear indicator cover on the left gear levers.

Of course, it's only a bike, and when the insurance company won't cover it's full value, it's only money. Still, I just can't fathom the concept of someone stealing a bike. Oh well, off to the police station..


Anonymous said...

Nå just så, jag läste i ÅU för nån dag sedan att 9 cyklar blivit anmälda som stulna hos polisen här i Åbo. De misstänker det är någon liga som ligger bakom stölderna eftersom endast nya och dyra cyklar stals.

Terhi said...

Kivoja kuvia olet napsinut eilen radalla.

Ja sääli, että pyöräsi on lähtenyt kävelemään. Kannattaa sulauttaa pyörät osaksi sisustusta, niin tuota ei pääse tapahtumaan.